Couples Psychometric/ Assessment Tests – Love Language and Sexual Awareness Couples Psychometric Tests 2 User Code * Gender * Male Female FIRST TEST: BASIC LOVE LANGUAGE EFFECTIVENESS TEST INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly complete this form by rating yourself against the statements below with 1 being the statement that least describes you and 10 being the statement that most describe your reality 1. I feel unloved when I am talked down & could easily withdraw because I am highly sensitive to words especially from I truly love * 12345678910 2. I love it when good words are used on me so that I would do anything to retain the person * 12345678910 3. I am very good with words that I don’t mind flattering people to make them feel good * 12345678910 4. I love it when the person I love spoils me with gifts * 12345678910 5. I love to spoil anyone I like with gifts as well because it is my way of telling them I always think about them * 12345678910 6. I cherish and appreciate whatever people give to me once it is consistent even if it is not expensive * 12345678910 7. I love it when I am cuddled because I feel loved when I am touched * 12345678910 8. I could sometimes feel vulnerable & unhappy when I don’t get the touch I want from my spouse * 12345678910 9. I love to hold people close when they need me because it is my way of expressing affection * 12345678910 10. I love it when my spouse helps me with whatever I am doing and I could feel unloved when he/she constantly declines * 12345678910 11. I love to be there for others and can work my socks off just to be sure they are okay and things go well * 12345678910 12. I have strong love and affection for people who can serve me faithfully without complaints * 12345678910 13. I always want to be with my spouse because I miss him/ her when we are not together * 12345678910 14. My best moments are the times spent together with my spouse and I long for inseparable friendship * 12345678910 15. I wish I could go everywhere with my spouse and sometimes feel bad when he/she has to go on trips we can’t go together * 12345678910 SECOND TEST: SEXUAL AWARENESS ASSESSMENT TEST INSTRUCTION: – The items listed below refer to the sexual aspects of people’s lives. Please read each item carefully and decide to what extent it is characteristic of you. Give each item a rating of how much it applies to you by using the following scale: A = Not at all characteristic of me = Slightly characteristic of me C = Somewhat characteristic of me D = Moderately characteristic of me E = Very characteristic of me 1. I am very aware of my sexual feelings * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 2. I wonder whether others think I am sexy * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 3. I’m assertive about the sexual aspects of my life * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 4. I’m very aware of my sexual motivations * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 5. I am concerned about the sexual appearance of my body * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 6. I am not very direct about voicing my sexual desires * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 7. I am always trying to understand my sexual feelings * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 8. I know immediately when others consider me sexy * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 9. I am somewhat passive about expressing my sexual desires * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 10. I am very alert to changes in my sexual desires * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 11. I am quick to sense whether others think I am sexy * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 12. I do not hesitate to ask for what I want in a sexual relationship * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 13. I am very aware of my sexual tendencies * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 14. I usually worry about making a good sexual impression on others * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 15. I’m the type of person who insists on having my sexual desires met * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 16. I think about my sexual motivations more than most people do * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 17. I’m concerned about what other people think of my sex appeal * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 18. When it comes to sex, I usually ask for what I want * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 19. I reflect about my sexual desires a lot * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 20. I never seem to know when I am turning others on * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 21. If I were sexually interested in someone , I’d let that person know * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 22. I am very aware of the way my mind works when I am sexually aroused * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 23. I rarely think of my sex appeal * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 24. If I were to have sex with someone, I’d let my partner take the initiative * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 25. I know what turns me on sexually * A = Not at all characteristic of meB = Slightly characteristic of meC = Somewhat characteristic of meD = Moderately characteristic of meE = Very characteristic of me 26. I don’t care what others think of my sexuality * A = Not at all characteristic of meB = Slightly characteristic of meC = Somewhat characteristic of meD = Moderately characteristic of meE = Very characteristic of me 27. I don’t let others tell me how to run my sex life * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 28. I rarely think about the sexual aspects of my life * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 29. I know when others think I am sexy * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 30. If I were to have sex with someone, I’d let my partner take the initiative * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 31. I don’t think of my sexuality very much * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 32. Other people’s opinions of my sexuality don’t matter very much to me * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 33. I would ask about sexually-transmitted diseases before having sex with someone * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 34. I don’t consider myself a very sexual person * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 35. I am with others I want to look sexy * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me 36. If I wanted to practice “safe sex” with someone I would insist on doing so * 1 = Not at all characteristic of me2 = Slightly characteristic of me3 = Somewhat characteristic of me4 = Moderately characteristic of me5 = Very characteristic of me Any Comments Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ