Couples Psychometric/ Assessment Test – (Personality Discovery and Belief Assessment) Couples Psychometric Tests User Code * Gender * Male Female FIRST TEST: PERSONALITY DISCOVERY TEST INSTRUCTION – Kindly complete this form by rating yourself against the statements below with 0 being the statement that least describes you and 10 being the statement that most describes your personality. You are allowed to choose between the range of 0-10. 1. Many people think I am hard because I am blunt and my work rate is quite high * 12345678910 2. I work so well under pressure and love to take risks and take on projects others think cant be done * 12345678910 3. I love to take the lead wherever I find myself * 12345678910 4. I love people and always want to make them happy. I forgive so easily even though I often don’t get the same treatment from others but I trust nevertheless * 12345678910 5. People notice me easily and love me because I tend to be the live wire of everywhere I find myself and can motivate people to get things done * 12345678910 6. I dislike rules and regulations that promotes dogma and tradition because I know there are other ways to get the job done as against the expected norm * 12345678910 7. I naturally hate to offend people so I may be slow to confront issues because I am waiting for the right time and the right way to do it * 12345678910 8. People see me as a slow starter and they think I don’t like change but I am steady, dependable, controlled, love to do things at my pace and one of the best listeners you can find * 12345678910 9. I love to work from the background without making noise about my accomplishment, I love to relate with people in a warm manner and could withdraw to my shell when you become aggressive. I would rather allow peace reign than be confrontational * 12345678910 10. I am perfectionism personified and can’t stand disorganized people * 12345678910 11. I love to work based on rules and regulations and believe people should be very serious about what they must do instead of wasting time playing around * 12345678910 12. I could be critical because I want the best result; private because I really don’t see the need to talk about myself, but high on details and must be convinced beyond every reasonable doubt * 12345678910 SECOND TEST: BELIEFS ASSESSMENT TEST INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly rate each of the statements below to show what you believe by using any of ‘Agree’ or ‘Disagree’. If you are unsure or feel you fall in the middle, please select the option (true or false) that best describes you 1. I believe a man is superior to a woman and every woman must submit to a man. * TrueFalse 2. I believe a husband is superior to his wife. * TrueFalse 3. I believe it is the duty of a woman to cook for the family. * TrueFalse 4. I believe a real man must be the breadwinner and must provide for his family. * TrueFalse 5. I believe the man should have the final say in every matter that concerns the family. * TrueFalse 6. I believe a man and woman are the same and none is superior and both man and woman must submit one to another. * TrueFalse 7. I believe a husband and a wife are teammates where the husband takes the lead by serving his family. * TrueFalse 8. I believe whoever cooks is a means to an end and anyone should be able to cook for the family. * TrueFalse 9. I believe both the man and the woman should work and whatever is brought in should collectively serve the interest of the family. * TrueFalse 10. I believe the final say in every matter should be based on our expertise in those areas of concern. * TrueFalse 11. I believe our family members should be able to come in anytime they like. * TrueFalse 12. I believe a man does not have to disclose what he earns to his wife. * TrueFalse 13. I believe a woman who questions what her husband does is disrespectful. * TrueFalse 14. I believe it is not proper for a wife to earn more than her husband because she may become proud. * TrueFalse 15. I believe a good husband must be able to control his wife and cut down her excesses so that she does not disrespect him. * TrueFalse 16. I believe family members must be able to pre-inform us before they show up to enable us plan. * TrueFalse 17. I believe whatever the couple earns must be open to everyone in the family and no one owns anything privately. * TrueFalse 18. I believe a good wife should hold her husband accountable and must be able to question his actions and decisions. * TrueFalse 19. I believe there is nothing wrong in a wife earning more than her husband because what they both bring in belongs to the family. * TrueFalse 20. A good man must respect his wife’s individuality & promote her best interest in a way that she becomes the best she can ever be even if she becomes more famous than him * TrueFalse 21. I don’t believe there is any reason why my spouse should cheat and I will never forgive this for any reason * TrueFalse 22. I don’t believe there is any reason why my spouse should cheat but I’d be willing to forgive if he is willing to change and not repeat * TrueFalse 23. It is ok for a husband to cheat or pick a second wife but it is a no no for a wife * TrueFalse 24. It is a no no for any of us to cheat * TrueFalse 25. It is ok to make use of professionals or a credible party on issues we can’t resolve * TrueFalse 26. It is not ok to bring a professional of a 3rd party into our relationships * TrueFalse Any Comments Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ