Couples Psychometric/ Assessment Test – Conflict and Jealousy Couples Psychometric Tests 4 User Code * Gender * Male Female First Test: Partner Conflict Scale Think about how you handle conflict with your romantic partner. Specifically, think about a significant conflict issue that you and your partner have disagreed about recently. Using the scale below, fill in which response is most like how you handled conflict. If you do not have a romantic partner, respond with your most current partner in mind. If you have never been in a romantic relationship, answer in terms of what you think your responses would most likely be. 1. It is easier to refrain from than to retreat from conflict. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 1. We try to find solutions that are acceptable to both of us. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 2. We often resolve conflict by talking about the problem. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 3. Our conflicts usually end when we reach a compromise. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 4. When my partner and I disagree, we consider both sides of the argument. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 5. In order to resolve conflicts, we try to reach a compromise. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 6. Compromise is the best way to resolve conflict between my partner and me. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 7. My partner and I negotiate to resolve our disagreements. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 8. I try to meet my partner halfway to resolve a disagreement. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 9. The best way to resolve conflict between me and my partner is to find a middle ground. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 10. When we disagree, we try to find a solution that satisfies both of us. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 11. When my partner and I have conflict, we collaborate so that we are both happy with our decision. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 12. My partner and I collaborate to find a common ground to solve problems between us. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 13. We collaborate to come up with the best solution for both of us when we have a problem. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 14. We try to collaborate so that we can reach a joint solution to a conflict. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 15. My partner and I try to avoid arguments. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 16. I avoid disagreements with partner. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 17. I avoid conflict with my partner. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 18. When my partner and I disagree, we argue loudly. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 19. Our conflicts usually last quite awhile. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 20. My partner and I have frequent conflicts. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 21. I suffer a lot from conflict with my partner. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 22. I become verbally abusive to my partner when we have conflict. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 23. My partner and I often argue because I do not trust him/her. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 24. When we have conflict, we withdraw from each other for awhile for a “cooling off” period. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 25. When we disagree, we try to separate for awhile so we can consider both sides of the argument. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 26. When we experience conflict, we let each other cool off before discussing it further. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 27. When we have conflict, we separate but expect to deal with it later. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 28. Separation for a period of time can work well to let our conflicts cool down. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 29. When we argue or fight, I try to win. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 30. I try to take control when we argue. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 31. I rarely let my partner win an argument. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 32. When we disagree, my goal is to convince to my partner that I am right. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 33. When we argue, I let my partner know I am in charge. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 34. When we have conflict, I try to push my partner into choosing the solution that I think is best. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 35. When we have conflict, I usually give in to my partner. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 36. I give in to my partner’s wishes to settle arguments on my partner’s terms. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 37. Sometimes I agree with my partner so the conflict will end. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement 38. When we argue, I usually try to satisfy my partner’s needs rather than my own. * 0 = Strongly disagree with statement1 = Moderately disagree with statement2 = Neutral, neither agree nor disagree3 = Moderately agree with statement4 = Strongly agree with statement Second Test: Conflict Resolution Attitude The proverbs listed below can be thought of as descriptions of some of the different strategies for dealing with conflict. The proverbs state traditional wisdom for resolving conflicts. Read each of the proverbs carefully. Using the scale given below, indicate how typical each proverb is of your usual behaviour in dealing with a conflict. 1. It is easier to refrain from than to retreat from conflict. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 2. If you cannot make a person think as you do, make them do as you think. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 3. Soft words win hard hearts. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 4. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 5. “Come now and let us reason together.” * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 6. When two people quarrel, the person who keeps silent first is the most praiseworthy. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 7. Might overcomes right * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 8. Smooth words make smooth ways. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 9. Better half a loaf than no bread at all. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 10. Truth lies in knowledge, not in majority opinion. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 11. He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 12. He hath conquered well that hath made his enemies flee. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 13. Kill your enemies with kindness. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 16. Stay away from people who disagree with you. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 17. Fields are won by those who believe in winning * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 18. Kind words are worth much and cost little. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 19. Tit for tat is fair play. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 20. Only the person who is willing to give up his monopoly on truth can profit from the truths that others hold. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 21. Avoid quarrelsome people as they will only make your life miserable. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 22. A person who will not flee will make others flee. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 23. Soft words ensure harmony. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 24. One gift for another makes good friends. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 25. Bring your conflicts into the open and face them directly—only then will the best solution be discovered. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 26. The best way of handling conflicts is to avoid them. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 27. Put your foot down where you mean to stand. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 28. Gentleness will triumph over anger. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 29. Getting part of what you want is better than not getting anything at all. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 30. Frankness, honesty and trust will move mountains. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 31. There is nothing so important you have to fight for it. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 32. There are two kinds of people in the world, the winners and the losers. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 33. When one hits you with a stone, hit him with a piece of cotton * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 34. When both people give in halfway, a fair settlement is achieved. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict 35. By digging and digging, the truth is discovered. * 5 = very typical of the way I act in a conflict4 = frequently typical of the way I act in a conflict3 = sometimes typical of the way I act in a conflict2 = seldom typical of the way I act in a conflict1 = not typical of the way I act in a conflict Multidimensional Scale Please think of a person with whom you are having or have had a strong romantic/love relationship. This person is referred to as your partner in this questionnaire. Please rate your response to the following questions by choosing the appropriate number beside each item. How often do you have the following thoughts about your partner 1. I suspect that my partner is secretly seeing someone of the opposite sex. * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never 2. I am worried that some member of the opposite sex may be chasing after my partner. * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never 3. I suspect that my partner may be attracted to someone else. * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never 4. I suspect that my partner may be physically intimate with another member of the opposite sex behind my back. * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never 5. I think that some members of the opposite sex may be romantically interested in my partner * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never 6. I am worried that someone of the opposite sex is trying to seduce my partner. * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never 7. I think that my partner is secretly developing an intimate relationship with someone of the opposite sex. * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never 8. I suspect that my partner is crazy about members of the opposite sex. * 1. – All the time2. – Most of the time3. – Some of the time4. – Occasionally5. – Far too little times6. – Almost never7. – Never How would you emotionally react to the following situations? 1. My partner comments to you on how great looking a particular member of the opposite sex is. * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset 2. My partner shows a great deal of interested or excitement in talking to someone of the opposite sex * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset 3. My partner smiles in a very friendly manner to someone of the opposite sex. * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset 4. A member of the opposite sex is trying to get close to my partner all the time. * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset 5. My partner is flirting with someone of the opposite sex * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset 6. Someone of the opposite sex is dating my partner. * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset 7. My partner hugs and kisses someone of the opposite sex. * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset 8. My partner works very closely with a member of the opposite sex (in school or office). * 1. – Very Pleased2. – Moderately Pleased3. – A little bit Pleased4. – Somewhat pleased and upset5. – A little bit Upset6. – Moderately Upset7. – Very Upset How often do you engage in the following behaviours? 1. I look through my partner’s drawers, handbag, or pockets. * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time 2. I call my partner unexpectedly, just to see if s/he is there * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time 3. I question my partner about previous or present romantic relationships * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time 4. I say something nasty about someone of the opposite sex if my partner shows an interest in that person. * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time 5. I question my partner about his/her telephone calls * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time 6. I question my partner about his/her whereabouts. * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time 7. I join in whenever I see my partner talking to a member of the opposite sex. * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time 8. I pay my partner a surprise visit just to see who is with him/her. * 1. – Never2. – Almost Never3. – Far too little times4. – Occasionally5. – Some of the time6. – Most of the time7. – All the time Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ