
Biofeedback therapy is a type of mind-body technique that uses feedback received from sensors attached to your skin to learn how your body works, giving you the opportunity to take control over certain body functions and address your physical or psychological concerns.

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Biofeedback is a type of therapy, a mind-body technique that helps you gain greater awareness of many involuntary physiological functions of your own body such as your heartbeat, your temperature, among others. During a session, special equipment is attached to certain parts of your body and used to receive feedback about specific bodily functions. The purpose is to use the feedback received to learn how your body works, giving you the opportunity to take control over certain body functions and address your physical or psychological concerns.

During biofeedback therapy, your therapist teaches you relaxation techniques that would help you relax certain muscles to achieve the results you want. In addition, your therapist will help you make changes to your thinking, emotions, and behavior. After a couple of sessions, you will be able to control certain body functions on your own, without biofeedback equipment.

There are many applications of this mind-body therapy.

  • Stress reduction
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Sleep disorder
  • Pain
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Biofeedback is generally a safe form of therapy. You can send us a message for additional information. Learn more about who we are and what we do.